October 6, 2020:
The Collatz Conjecture - A Definitive Proof view
October 2, 2020:
The Goldbach Conjecture - A Definitive Proof. view
April 20, 2020:
The Creation of Mass - An Alternative to the Higg's Mechanism. view
March 1, 2020:
Composite Mersenne Numbers - A System for the Derivation of their f... view
February 11, 2020:
An Algorithmic Version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes Plus Other Solu... view
December 19, 2019:
Relativistic Solutions for the Following Phenomena:- (i)The Value o... view
February 6, 2019:
Further Deliberations on the Convergence of the Harmonic Series and... view
January 27, 2019:
Determination of an Approximate Value for the Closed Form of the Ha... view
January 7, 2019:
Determination of the Limiting Divergent Infinite Series and a Revie... view
September 25, 2018:
The Complete Energy Translations in the Detailed
Decay Process of ... view
June 12, 2018:
A Geometrical/Empirical Determination of the Circumference of an El... view
June 12, 2018:
Derivation of Quark Energy Distributions and Decay Products of Bary... view
June 12, 2018:
The Distribution of Energy Within Baryonic Sub-Atomic Particles. view
November 12, 2016:
Derivation of Empirical Laws for the Mass of Baryonic sub-atomic Pa... view
February 24, 2016:
Derivation of the Schrodinger, Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equations of ... view
April 3, 2015:
Closed Forms of the Zeta and Eta Infinite Series for All Exponents ... view
March 7, 2015:
Pseudo Closed Forms for the Eta and Zeta Infinite Series for all Va... view
December 1, 2014:
The Series Sums of Divergent Alternating Infinite Series and The Na... view
February 02, 2015:
The Closed Form of Convergent Infinite Series - 6 - Some Logarithmi... view
May 13, 2014:
The Closed Forms of Convergent Infinite Series - 5 - Estimation of ... view
April 24, 2014:
The Closed Form of Convergent Infinite Series - 4 - Determination V... view
April 17, 2014:
The Closed Form of Convergent Infinite Series - 3 - Generalisation ... view
April 14, 2014:
The Closed Forms of Convergent Infinite Series - 2 - An Extension o... view
April 6, 2014:
The Closed Forms of Convergent Infinite Series
An Extension of ... view
August 11, 2013:
An Investigation into Three Relativistic Fringe Subjects. view
April 28, 2013:
Fermat's Last Theorem - A Proof Using Elementary Methods. view
April 9, 2013:
The Relativistic Characteristics of a Spinning Spherical Mass in Ps... view
August 25, 2013:
The Riemann Hypothesis - A Resolution view
March 16, 2013:
The Twin Paradox - A Relativistic Domain Resolution view
29 total records on 1 pages