All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident: Arthur Schopenhauer -- In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual: Galileo Galilei -- Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it: Albert Einstein -- When you have eliminated the impossible, what ever remains, however improbable must be the truth: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough? Niels Bohr -- Whenever a true theory appears, it will be its own evidence. Its test is that it will explain all phenomena: Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Since the mathematicians invaded Relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore: Albert Einstein -- I would say that the aether is a medium invented by man for the purpose of propagating his misconceptions from one place to another: W.F.G. Swann: -- Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone: Albert Einstein -- Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little: Bertrand Russell -- If I could explain it to the average person, I would not have been worth the Nobel Prize: R. P. Feynman -- I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use: Galileo Galilei -- How dare we speak of the laws of chance? Is not chance the antithesis of all law?: Bertrand Russell -- Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I´m not sure about the former: Albert Einstein -- The glory of mathematics is that you don't have to say what you are talking about: Richard Feynman -- Anything is possible if you don´t know what you are talking about: Author Unknown -- In life, everything is relative - except Einstein´s theory: Leonid S. Sukhorukov -- Don´\'t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you´ll have to ram them down people´s throats: Howard Aiken --A day will come undoubtedly when the ether will be discarded as useless: H. Poincaré -- First they tell you you´re wrong and they can prove it; then they tell you you´re right but it isn´t important; then they tell you it´s important but they knew it all along: Charles Kettering -- It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world: Aristotle -- The opposite of a true statement is a false statement. The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth: Niels Bohr -- A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it: Max Planck -- Euclid taught me that without assumptions there is no proof. Therefore, in any argument, examine the assumptions: Eric Temple Bell -- Half this game is ninety percent mental: Yogi Berra
Ferenc András
February 9, 2025: On Russell’s Paradox with Nails and Strings view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
February 7, 2025: A Modified Coulomb’s Law and Newton’s Second Law of Motion are Sufficient in Electro... view
Filip Dambi
February 3, 2025: Opposing hypotheses of the reflection of light applied to the Michelson interferometer view
Steve Olah
January 31, 2025: Energy Sources of the Solar System view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2025: Physicists calculate but do not explain 3/7. The interconversion between space and time. view
Thomas Ship
January 27, 2025: Unified Quantum Theory. view
Thomas Ship
January 27, 2025: Unified Quantum Theory. view
Gene A. Harvey
January 24, 2025: The Grand Cycle: Renewal view
January 24, 2025: Even for coils other than the obtuse triangle coil, the electromotive force per unit magnetic flu... view
Gene A. Harvey
January 24, 2025: The Spin Metric: Unifying Star Formation and Cosmic Dynamics within the ΛCGF Model view
Jose Paulo Hansen
January 20, 2025: Pauli's Credit to Einstein, Distancing from Causes in Physical Phenomena view
Steve Olah
January 15, 2025: In the Footsteps of Fatio - Gravity Simplified view
Kenneth Paul Hoffman
January 14, 2025: The Nature of Time view
Abdul Malek
January 4, 2025: What is Light, Really? view
Randy Wells
December 31, 2024: Plasma-based Cosmologies: History, Description, and Assessment view
Filip Dambi
December 30, 2024: Opposing hypotheses of the reflection of light applied to the Michelson interferometer with a par... view
Filip Dambi
December 29, 2024: Reflection of Light as a Mechanical Phenomenon Applied to a Particular Michelson Interferometer -... view
jean de Climont
December 24, 2024: Hubble-Lemaître effect - Galaxies redshift evolutionary explanation view
Pavle I. Premovic
December 24, 2024: The minimum speed of a free massive particle view
jean de Climont
December 24, 2024: Time does not belong to the physical Universe view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
December 24, 2024: Gravity: A Pushing Force of Attraction Between Neutral Bodies. view
Kenneth Paul Hoffman
December 23, 2024: The Mixed Logic and Views of the Theory of Special Relativity view
Bernard Pelletier
December 18, 2024: Empire Biota Update view
Thierry De Mees
December 16, 2024: How did the Gas Planets Form from Our Sun? view
Branko L Zivlak
December 15, 2024: The Relationship of Planetary Orbits in the Solar System view
D.& S. Birks
February 4, 2025: All About 1--Part 2: The Sine Also Rises view
Chunsheng Li
December 26, 2024: What did the 1851 ”Fizeau Experiment” prove? What did it disprove? view
Chunsheng Li
December 26, 2024: 1851 年的“斐索实验”证明了什么?证伪了什么? view
Vic Ingraham
December 14, 2024: Einstein - On Science and Religion view
D.& S. Birks
December 14, 2024: All About 1--Part1: Catching the Wave view
Paul Schroeder
October 22, 2024: What’s the matter with electrons? view
D.& S. Birks
October 11, 2024: Poppin' the Quiff--Part 1 and Part 2 view
D.& S. Birks
September 14, 2024: The Two Faces of Pi view
D.& S. Birks
August 24, 2024: Albert's Anguish/Angst--Blinded by the Light view
D.& S. Birks
June 28, 2024: Beyond the Light: The False God of Physics view
Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev
June 25, 2024: Alternative concept on space used in the BSM – Supergravitational Unified Theory unveils th... view
Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev
June 24, 2024: On the origin of fine structure constant and its derived expression in the BSM- Supergravitation ... view
Robert Gaunt
June 13, 2024: Gravitational Mechanics view
Clive Tickner
June 12, 2024: Professor Brian Cox's embarrassing video view
Dimiter G Stoinov
June 1, 2024: Electromagnetic induction in zero magnetic field. Is it ssible? view
D.& S. Birks
May 18, 2024: Project Simian: The Funky Monkey and The Soros Virus view
Alexander Maltsev
April 17, 2024: Movement of time and energy view
James Russell Farmer
April 16, 2024: Theory of Everything view
Ioannis Kanellopoulos
April 9, 2024: Mr. Erwin let the cat alone view
Clive Tickner
March 18, 2024: The Constancy of 'C' Means that 'Time' Cannot Be Observer Dependant view
Halil Güveniş
March 7, 2024: On the Interpretation of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relation view
A. Ruggeri
February 15, 2024: Einstein-Newton true origine della sua Formula Famosa view
Thierry De Mees
February 8, 2024: When will climate scientists look at the Vostok evidence? view
D.& S. Birks
February 4, 2024: Nano-carditis: Nanobots, Quantum Dots, and Crackpots view
D.& S. Birks
December 20, 2023: The Binary Battle? A Call to Arms view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 20, 2025: Acceleration of a non-relativistic astronomical objects and the speed of Llght view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 17, 2025: The “Non-Relativistic” and “relativistic” recessional speed of the galaxi... view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 10, 2025: Gravitational acceleration constant view
André Michaud
January 7, 2025: Korrelation der elektromagnetischen Mechanik der Elementarteilchen mit der Buckminster-Fuller-Syn... view
André Michaud
January 7, 2025: Corrélation de la mécanique électromagnétique des particules é... view
André Michaud
January 7, 2025: Correlación de la mecánica electromagnética de las partículas element... view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 4, 2025: Gravitational acceleration and the speed of light view
Pavle I. Premovic
December 24, 2024: The minimum speed of a free non-relativistic massive particle and its uncertainty in position: a ... view
Pavle I. Premovic
December 22, 2024: The Newton law of gravitation: another look view
Pavle I. Premovic
December 22, 2024: Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom: the total energy of the electron view
Pavle I. Premovic
December 14, 2024: New mathematical ways to derive the uncertainty expressions between energy/position and momentum... view
Dragan N. Turanyanin
December 9, 2024: A note on exponentially variable rest mass and its standard (etalon) view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 30, 2024: Is the Universe eternal and infinite? view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 14, 2024: The minimum cosmic time uncertainty. view
Pavle I. Premovic
August 23, 2024: The dimensionality of the cosmological distance modulus equation view
Pavle I. Premovic
August 23, 2024: The dimensionality of the Geiger-Nuttall law: a simple but interesting note view
Jose Paulo Hansen
August 3, 2024: Publication of Article as Documentation on the Pre-Established Physics in Continuing to Omit Its ... view
Cheng Tianren
August 1, 2024: A Newsletter, issue 2023-2024 of Future Science Institute view
Pavle I. Premovic
May 15, 2024: Dear Readers view
Pavle I. Premovic
December 5, 2023: Can light from the Earth reach a distant galaxy? view
Pavle I. Premovic
June 3, 2023: The moving light clock: which way the photon goes? view
Cheng Tianren
May 8, 2023: A Newsletter, issue 2022-2023 of Future Science Institute view
Suresh Baliyan
March 8, 2023: Feb. 7, 2005: The Law of Energy Creation view
Jamal Saad A. Shrair
February 13, 2023: Sunquakes and Earthquakes are Ruled by the Same Physical Mechanism view
Cheng Tianren
February 12, 2023: A Newsletter-, 2nd volume of Future Science view
Garry Goodwin
February 09, 2025: Hopf Fibration, Non-Homotopy and Mass view
Pavle I. Premovic
February 09, 2025: Doppler effect in light, Principle of energy conservation, simultaneity: a uniformly moving phys... view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
February 05, 2025: A Modified Coulomb's Law and Newton's Second Law of Motion are Adequate in Electrodynamics view
Antonio Leon
February 05, 2025: The Origin of the Universe: A Formal Proof view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 30, 2025: The Hubble photon quantum of energy of the observable Universe view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 30, 2025: The Speed of light and the Principle of energy conservation view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 30, 2025: Minimum quantum energy of the observable Universe view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2025: Physicists calculate but do not explain 2/7. Inconsistent Fields in the Spacetime Continuum view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2025: Physicists calculate but do not explain 1/7 1/7 Physics and infinitesimal calculus view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2025: The Axiom of Infinity is Inconsistent view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2025: Apparent relativity view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2025: Infinity put to the test view
Gene A. Harvey
January 21, 2025: Solving the Cosmological Constant Problem by Extending General Relativity into Subquantum Domains... view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 20, 2025: One-dimensional elastic collision of a microscopic non-relativistic particle with a wall: a quan... view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 14, 2025: The Principle of energy conservation and the light emitted by the nearby or distant galaxies view
Frederick David Tombe
January 11, 2025: The Physical Nature of Electromagnetic Waves view
Antonio Leon
January 09, 2025: Lorentz Factor in Discrete Physics view
Antonio Leon
January 09, 2025: On the empirical evidence of Special Relativity view
Pavle I. Premovic
January 09, 2025: Gravitational acceleration and the speed of light view
André Michaud
January 07, 2025: Correlation of the electromagnetic mechanics of elementary particles with Buckminster Fuller's Sy... view
André Michaud
January 07, 2025: INDEX - Elektromagnetische Mechanik (Das 3-Räume-Modell) view
André Michaud
January 07, 2025: INDEX - Mecánica Electromagnética (El modelo de los 3-Espacios) view
André Michaud
January 07, 2025: INDEX - Mécanique électromagnétique (Le modèle des 3-espaces) view
André Michaud
January 07, 2025: INDEX - Electromagnetic mechanics (The 3-Spaces Model) view
Garry Goodwin
December 26, 2024: Understanding Universal Disjunction Better view
Pierre Salet
1924: Are There Any Errors In Einstein's Theory? view
Herbert Dingle
October 1959: A Proposed Astronomical Test of the "Ballistic" Theory of Light Emission view
Michele La Rosa
April 1925: Intorno ad alcune obiezioni contro la teoria balistica delle stelle variabili view
Michele La Rosa
April 1925: About some objections against the ballistic theory of variable stars view
A. Einstein
July 1923: Fundamental ideas and problems of the theory of relativity view
Michele La Rosa
November 1912: Experimental foundations of the 2nd principle of the theory of relativity. view
Michele La Rosa
November 1912: Sopra una esperienza di confronto fra la, teoria della relatività e le concezioni meccanic... view
Michele La Rosa
July 1932: About the alleged reality of the Lorentz contraction and the determination of the absolute motion... view
Michele La Rosa
August 1929: About the interpretation of the behavior of Algol and about the variability of the speed of light. view
Michele La Rosa
December 1928: New contribution to the Ballistic Theory of "variable stars" view
Michele La Rosa
January 1921: New proof of dependency the speed of light from the motion of the light source. view
Michele La Rosa
1912: Fondamenti Sperimenntali Del 2.° Principio Della Teoria Della Relativita view
Michele La Rosa
1912: Experimental foundations of the 2nd principle of the theory of relativity. view
Carlo Bernardini
August 2005: Una piccola vicenda dimenticata: Einstein, Вurali Forti е Boggio view
Michele La Rosa
May 1925: I Fenomeni Delle "Stelle Variabili" Spiegati Come Effetto Balistico Della Propagazione ... view
Michele La Rosa
May 1925: (Phenomena Of) Against the "Theory of Relativity"- "Variable Stars" Explained... view
Michele La Rosa
January 1924: Astronomic Evidence Contrary to "Relativity": New Theory of Star Variables, Based on th... view
Michele La Rosa
April 1927: Around Some Objections Against The Ballistics Theory of Variable Stars view
Michele La Rosa
June 1923: The speed of light is composed of that of: source? Evidence in favor offered by the phenomena of ... view
Michele La Rosa
October 1924: The Theory on the Cause of Stellar Variability view
Michele La Rosa
December 1925: About the empirical basis of the ballistic principle of light propagation. view
Michele La Rosa
July 1924: The Doppler phenomenon and the ballistic principle on speed of light (answer to a Note by Prof. W... view
Michele La Rosa
July 1924: Astronomic Tests Against Relativity - Part One - The "variable stars" view
Michele La Rosa
May 1923: The Ritz Postulate On The Speed Of The Light And The Phenomena Of Variable Stars New Theory Of Th... view
Michele La Rosa
February 1925: Radial velocities and ballistic theory of variable stars. view
Michele La Rosa
January 1924: La costituzione delle variabili del tipo "Mira Ceti" secondo l'ipotesi balistica sulla ... view
Michele La Rosa
January 1924: The constitution of variables of the "Mira Ceti" according to the ballistics hypothesis... view
Carlo Cattani
January 2004: The first years of relativity in Italy and the defeat of the “vectorialists” in Marco... view
Carlo Cattani
January 2004: I primi anni della relatività in Italia e la sconfitta dei “vettorialisti” nel... view
Carlo Bernardini
August 2005: A little forgotten story: Einstein, Burali-Forti and Boggio view
Michele La Rosa
May 1924: The theory of relativity in the face of experience.(Evidence to the contrary offered by Astronomy) view
A. Sellerio
March 1934: Tribute to Michele La Rosa view
Herbert Dingle
1960: A Radio-Astronomical Test of the Ballistic Theory of Light Emission view
Herbert Dingle
1959: A Proposed Astronomical Test of the "Ballistic" Theory of Light Emission view
S. A. Semikov
2013: The Ballistic Theory of Ritz view
S. A. Semikov
February 2005: Ice and Flame view
S. A. Semikov
August 2012: Classic Ideas About Photo Effect and Compton Effect view
S. A. Semikov
May 2005: The Eternal Engine… Already on Sale! view
S. A. Semikov
February 2011: Solar Cyclones view
S. A. Semikov
June 2006: Drinking Air view
Pierre Weiss
February 1912: Notes on Band Spectra by W. Ritz view
S. A. Semikov
2008: Copernician of the XX Century view
S. A. Semikov
January 2005: Rocky August view
S. A. Semikov
2005: Why Do Cactus Breads? view
Vladimir Ilich Sekerin
March 2007: BOOK: The Theory of Relativity - a Hoax of the Twentieth Century view
Vladimir Ilich Sekerin
September 2008: Charlatan Masterpiece view
Vladimir Ilich Sekerin
1991: Role of Astronomic Observations for Forming Categories of Space and Time view
S. A. Semikov
June 2012: Ballistic Theory of Light vs. the Dark Forces of the Cosmos view
S. A. Semikov
2017: Ritz Ballistic Theory view
S. A. Semikov
December 2012: About Possible Experimental Effect Check Light Frequency Transformation with Source Acceleration view