Purpose Of Site
Dedicated to the Free Expression of Scientific Theories
The original and continued purpose of these pages is to provide an opportunity for public presentation of scientific theories without prior and arbitrary assessment, criticism or rejection by the recipient. Judgement by the few runs counter to the spirit of scientific exploration. The internet provides a potential world of criticism and support. Authors who make their theories known in this manner will probably find both.
Papers on all aspects of science and philosophy are accepted. Readers who have opinions on the subjects are encouraged to participate. Your research papers or communications may be submitted at no cost to the respective GSJ Editors (see listing), or an annual subscription may be purchased which allows entry of your personal profile, areas of interest, contact information etc. Included, is the ability to post and edit your own papers in multiple languages, within the guidelines established. A significant feature is the ability of your readers to post comments on your profile, and for you to respond. You may also use this feature by contacting persons of interest to read your papers and requesting they leave comments.
The GSJ forum may be used for any dialogues that serves to highlight and explore the subjects covered on-site for the benefit of correspondents and other readers.
The historical section of the site includes significant articles authored by some of the most important physicists of the preceeding centuries. A separate listing of papers published by scientific journals of the last decades of the 20th century includes insightful commentary by many respondents. It is hoped that physicists and students of physics will find it a useful resource for historical theories and experimental methods.
Papers on-site contain the email addresses of the contributors for direct communication.
Requests for links to scientific sites are welcome. Reciprocation appreciated.