Leon, Antonio
Research Papers
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Date Published:
November 22, 2024
actual infinity, potential infinity, Theorem of the Actual Infinity, spacetime continuum, inconsistency of the infinite sets
Physics never questions the hypothesis of the actual infinity that underlies its mathematical language. This hypothesis, debated for more than 25 centuries, suddenly ceased to be discussed when it was axiomatically accepted (Axiom of Infinity) more than a century ago. Ironically, it was set theory, based on this very hypothesis, that provided the author with the tools to prove its formal inconsistency. This paper denounces the scarce echo of these proofs (some of which were published 16 years ago) and invites the reader to examine one of them, the shortest I have been able to develop. It also points out the extraordinary importance of this inconsistency in a large part of physics, especially in cosmological theories and those that make use of the spacetime continuum. The question, then, is inescapable: what can be done to get physics to consider the possibility of this inconsistency and its consequences?
1 total records on 1 pages