Research Papers
Date Published:
November 22, 2023
Discrete magnitudes, Principle of Directional Evolution, Theorem of the Consistent Universe, Theorem of Identicality, Theorem of the Formal Dependence, Theorem of the Indivisible Units, Corollary of Discrete Threshold
After a short introduction to discrete magnitudes, some significant results on the finiteness of lengths and distances, as well as on the existence of indivisible units of space and time, are proved. An inductive principle is then introduced: the Principle of Directional Evolution, which has the highest empirical evidence and theoretical support. This Principle, which establishes the evolution of the universe in the direction of increasing entropy and decreasing temperature, makes it possible to prove the Theorem of the Consistent Universe and nine other subsequent results that clearly point to the discrete nature of space and time. It is shown that space and time, whether real or not, can only be considered as consisting of minimal indivisible units arranged in an adjacent manner. A conclusion incompatible with the spacetime continuum and compatible with certain discrete models such as CALMs (Cellular Automata Like Models), which will be introduced in the article 6 of the series
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