Abdullahi, Musa Daji
Research Papers
Mechanics / Electrodynamics
Date Published:
November 4, 2024
Acceleration, Aberration Angle, Doppler Shift, Expanding Universe, Light Ray, Redshift, Relative Velocity. Radiation, Special Relativity, Speed, Vector, Velocity.
Relativistic constancy of speed of light, makes lightspeed a constant c for all observers stationary or moving. This is despite discoveries of Aberration of Light in 1784 and Doppler Shift in 1842, which showed relativity of lightspeed. If the speed were constant, relative to everything, it would have been found as infinitely large. But it was measured as very high and finite. Light adjusting its speed, to be the same c for every moving observer, is untenable. This paper shows that, due to radiation reaction force, c is terminal speed of charged particle accelerated by an electric field. Invoking aberration of light, it is shown that speed of light depends on motions of source and observer and that speed of light, relative to the source, is a constant c. It gives rise to Doppler Shift in light. Redshift of starlight is ascribed to small reduction in speed of light, due to refractions in intergalactic pathlength L for reaching the Earth. HubbleLemaître law, in physical cosmology, is deduced without an expanding Universe.
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