Hoffman, Kenneth Paul
Research Papers
Mind and Consciousness
Date Published:
March 6, 2024
Inertial Reference Frames, inertia, time, observer, ether, aether, space, light, light speed,reality, Gaileo, Lorentz
This paper proposes that reference frames have not been properly examined and understood. This leads to what we all can truly see becoming a false reality of what is happening. It can also lead to a misunderstanding of why it is happening when trying to decipher the science of the observed event, since the subject, the Reference Frame, and the location of the observer all play a critical role. What we see can Lead to the fabrication of non-existing forces and the denial of the real forces. This is not about the standard optical illusions that can show up in everyday objects in our daily lives that distort reality.1 This is an even more subtle and difficult perspective for people to acknowledge and accept. The argument given to show the validity of the Special Relativity Theory is the classic example of this that should be examined in greater depth from a perspective not previously viewed. Mixing Reference Frames is not science and only leads to confusion. One major such confusion led to the conclusions adopted in Special Relativity.
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