Nikolov, Alexandar
Research Papers
Date Published:
February 15, 2024
Principle of opposites, Human sensory system, Cognitive process
In the article is shown cognitive mechanism of human's sensuous, according to its structure and way of function. It is based of the formula "contact+difference=
contradistinction=sensation", which means: if there aren't contact and difference between irritating factor and sense, there isn't a contradistinction too; if there isn't contradistinction, there isn't a sensation too. The formula thus differentiated is the objective first step of Knowledge. The sensuous process is produced by quantitative-qualitative reactions in the reception cells. It is marked by the contradiction of not feeling the ideal to which it aspires, but feeling the deviations from it. This "defect" makes perceptions not quite accurate, but as accurate as possible, and is valid for all developmental processes. There is no room for interpretation here. The senses write only the true philosophy of Knowledge. Either we follow it and are on the right path, or we go into principled errors (into which Physics has fallen for a century, but is ignorant of it).
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