Abdullahi, Musa Daji
Research Papers
Mechanics / Electrodynamics
Date Published:
January 4, 2024
Keywords: Aberration of Electric Field. Electric Charge. Electric Field. Energy. Force. Light. Mass. Speed. Velocity.
Velocity of light s from source moving at velocity v, relative to observer moving with velocity u, is s = c + v – u, where c is velocity of light, relative to source. Light takes on velocity of its source, which becomes the reference frame. Vectors c, v and u are in any direction. For rectilinear motion, speed is s = c + v – u. Speed of light c, relative to source, is a universal constant. Due to aberration of electric field, electrostatic field of intensity Eo and magnitude Eo, of stationary particle of charge Q and rest mass mo, becomes dynamic electric field Ev = (Eo/c)(c + v) for motion at velocity v. Magnetic field generated is vector product ovEv = ov (Eo/c)(c + v) =ovEo. Ev > Eo, makes for kinetic energy ½ mov2.. A mass-energy equivalence is deduced as En = ½moc2, in contrast to special relativity’s En = mc2, where m increases with speed. Curling of radial field lines of force, from a charge of radius a, as smallest length, explains inertia and replaces general relativity’s curving of space-time continuum.
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