Abdullahi, Musa Daji
Research Papers
Mechanics / Electrodynamics
Date Published:
December 9, 2023
Keywords: Aberration. Acceleration, Electric Charge. Energy. Field. Force. Mass. Special Relativity, Radiation, Velocity.
A particle of charge K and mass m, moving at time t with velocity v, in electric field of intensity E, is subject to aberration of electric field. Accelerating force is F = (KE/c)(c - v) = m(dv/dt), where c is velocity of light. Charge K is accelerated to speed of light c as limit, with constant mass and emission of radiation. Force F on moving charged particle, is less than force KE on stationary one, the difference F - KE is radiation reaction force and radiation power is scalar product -v.(F - KE). Aberration of electric field is missing in physics today, warranting special relativity and quantum theories to fill the vacuum. Speed of light c is obtained as a limit, for charged particles accelerated by an electric field, without recourse to special relativity, and radiation is obtained outside quantum mechanics.
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