Sokolov, Gennadiy
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
March 17, 2023
Unipolar DC motor, rotating magnet and immobility of its field
In 2019, in the article “Solution of the Faraday Paradox”, we showed that when a magnet rotates, its field does not rotate, but remains stationary relative to the inertial frame [1,2]. We proved the immobility of the field using the indicator we developed on a field-effect transistor with an insulated gate: an electric potential at the end of a conductor moving in a magnetic field arises when the conductor rotates around the magnet, but is absent when the magnet rotates and the conductor is stationary.
The effect was confirmed by experiments on the detection of electrical potentials induced by the stationary magnetic field of the Earth in any vertically located conductors [3].
In this new article, we show that the second proof of field immobility is the possibility of building a unipolar DC motor on an axial neodymium magnet, and explain how this motor works.
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