Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
December 6, 2022
Special relativity theory , distant simultaneity, relativity of simultaneity, one-way speed of light , definition of simultaneity
When distant clocks are said to be synchronised , they are supposed to indicate identical time readings at the same time . However, distant clocks which are synchronous according to the definition adopted in Special Relativity Theory are not necessarily synchronous in Newtonian mechanics . The problem debated by philosophers of science is the question of whether the definition of distant simultaneity in SRT , denotes something factual, empirically testable, or at least unambiguously definable , or whether it refers to merely an object of a convention, that is to an arbitrary stipulation without any factual content, as to which clocks ( events) are to be called synchronous ( simultaneous ) . It appears that distant events can be defined happening both simultaneous and separated in time in the same reference frame. If true, one must come to the conclusion that the definition is physically meaningless .
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