Sokolov, Gennadiy
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
December 31, 2021
the postulate of invariance, observer motion or source motion, analysis of optical experiments and observations
The special theory of relativity is based on the postulate of invariance, which states that the speed of light is the same in all inertial frames and does not depend on either the movement of the source or the movement of the observer.
This article shows that it became possible to ascribe such a strange property to the speed of light only due to the fact that in the theory of relativity it was not strictly defined what is meant by the motion of an observer or a source. Movement can be only relative. With respect to what is the receiver moving with the speed V? Relative to the light source? Or relative to the to light beam? A wrong question will always lead to a wrong answer.
If we want to know at what speed the light moves relative to a moving receiver, we need to talk not about the speed with which the receiver moves relative to the source, but about the speed with which it moves relative to the beam coming from this source. Observer motion relative to a ray is not the same as motion relative to its source. Such a seemingly strange formulation of the question is nevertheless more rigorous and allows, as shown below, to correctly answer the question "does the speed of light depend on the motion of the observer?"
Akbar mohammadzade(Ardabil iran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)):
Many thanks for your accurate discussion in paper
I saw this paper has been replaced to my one
Kindly please re edit it
Posted: January 07, 2022 @ 12:17:40 am
Akbar Akbar mohammadzade(Ardabil iran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)):
Many thanks for your accurate discussion in paper
I saw this paper has been replaced to my one
Kindly please re edit it
Posted: January 07, 2022 @ 12:17:13 am
Akbar Akbar mohammadzade(Ardabil iran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)):
Many thanks for your accurate discussion in paper
I saw this paper has been replaced to my one
Kindly please re edit it
Posted: January 07, 2022 @ 12:16:38 am
Akbar Akbar mohammadzade(Ardabil iran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)):
Many thanks for your accurate discussion in paper
I saw this paper has been replaced to my one
Kindly please re edit it
Posted: January 07, 2022 @ 12:16:20 am
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