Sargoytchev, Stoyan Sarg
Research Papers
Date Published:
March 23, 2021
Brown gas, HHO gas
According to the formulation of inventor Yull Brown, the Brown Gas is a stoichiometric mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, with a ratio of 1:2. Its properties, however, are quite different from a mixture of these two gases. The lack of theoretical models was an obstacle to the realization of some useful applications of Brown Gas. The experimental data analysis based on the atomic models derived in BSM-SG unified theory unveils that Brown Gas contains a substance of an unknown state of the water molecule that could be called an HHO molecule. When produced by a specific method of electrolysis a fraction of input energy is transferred into quantum energy of that new state of the water molecule without raising the gas temperature. In other words, this is embedded energy that does not depend on the storage temperature in a pretty large range of temperature and pressure. One distinctive property of the Brown gas or more particularly its main substance of HHO molecules is that it does not explode but implodes when triggered by a high voltage spark. This unique property provides the opportunity for several useful applications. The provided theoretical model shows that except for the HHO molecule Brown gas contains a small percentage of free oxygen and hydrogen. Their reduction will permit safer storage of Brown gas in pressurized vessels.
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