Gutsche, Gottfried J.
Research Papers
Mathematical Physics
Date Published:
April 05, 2021
Angular inertial mass motion, straight line inertial mass motion, combined-simultaineous angular with straight line inertial mass motion, internal self-contained impulses from within combined angular and straight line mass motions, kinetic energy
Copyright, Author: Gottfried Gutsche; Email: [email protected]
Near the end of the 20th century science-technology reached a high level of maturity mastering the vast range of thermodynamics, electrodynamics, straight-line mass-motion-dynamics, angular mass motion dynamics, material sciences, astronomical science, etc, etc! This maturity was fostering a very-high confident view that all science was already possibly explained using these established principles! This assumed high superiority came to a sobering end when experiments with electron particles-cathode-rays revealed a contrary behavior! Within this paper we will proof that the 1904 first off Lorenze transform is also related to the independent concentration-accumulation of energy within opposing flywheel motions causing the inertial propulsion effect!
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