Gutsche, Gottfried J.
Research Papers
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Date Published:
January 1, 2021
Light speed measurement, oringin of light speed, Special Relativity Theory, SRT controversey
Abstract: Albert Einstein postulated a new science based on the assumption of the universal constancy of light-speed, wherein no variation of photon light speed can be rationalized from any form-variations of his special selected theoretic observations! He called this new science: Special Relativity Theory.
Relativity theory is based on the relative position and relative-theoretic observation of mass-objects motions illuminated by ambient light leading to the correct conclusion that lightspeed must be constant in all those special selected frames of limited observation; however, this thought experiment is ignoring the very first original light source Eigen-emittance from a self-contained moving inertial platforms; additional, Einstein disregarded therein that the first original origin of the photon energy is coming from electrons motions from within an electric circuit having each an inertial mass!
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