Dragoi, Andrei-Lucian M.
Research Papers
Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
December 29, 2020
alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY), a new type of aether theory
This paper proposes a universal seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) (predicted to be actually quantum black holes), offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) and predicting a new type of aether theory (AT): this newly proposed universal SMEC is essentially based on an extended zero-energy hypothesis (eZEH) which predicts a general formula for all the rest energies of all EPs from Standard model (SM), also indicating an unexpected profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and new types of EPs, including a 4 th generation of Majorana massless neutrinos (moving at the speed of light) that can be a plausible candidate for a superfluid aether/fermionic condensate.
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