Gutsche, Gottfried J.
Research Papers
Mathematical Physics
Date Published:
November 22, 2020
Special Relativity Theory, light speed maesurement, light speed relations, doppler effect
Abstract: Albert Einstein postulated a new science based on the assumption of the universal constancy of light-speed, wherein no variation of light speed can be rationalized from any form-variations of his special selected theoretic observations! He called this new science: Special Relativity Theory. Relativity theory is based on the relative position and relative-theoretic observation of mass-objects motions illuminated by ambient light leading to the correct conclusion that lightspeed must be constant in all those special frames of observation; however, this thought experiment is ignoring the very first important original light source Eigen-emittance from a self-contained moving inertial platforms. This theory conflicts with more than 100 serious logical paradoxes, it conflicts with the measurement of Fizeous chopped photon light-beam leading-edge speed-measurement contained on top the real-actual Earth-platform in motion, the light chromatic-doppler energy effects and the mass-kinetic energy of the electron-motions from within the atom-structure causing firstly the photon life-giving energy radiation! Important to note here that fast moving mirrors reflecting ambient light, like sun-light reflected from a fast spinning mirror, are not inducing an additonal change in light speed of the leading edge photon, or an additional-change in light-photon radiation energy within an inertial frame itself; this has been well proven with many experiments! However, a stationary-inertia.
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