Research Papers
Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
November 19, 2019
Milne, Sternglass, Smith, and Browne showed that there are relativistic states of positronium that Feynman and Sternglass first identified as the neutral pion. Sternglass and Browne further showed that onium states of an electron and neutral pion yield the muon and charged pion. These types of relativistic solutions also apply to relativistic protonium resonances containing one or more protons or antiprotons. A relativistic protonium compound containing a proton-antiproton pair is expected to have a mass-energy of approximately 247.8 GeV/c2. In the case of a proton in a relativistic orbit around a negative pion, we can expect two electrically neutral relativistic resonances with mass energies of approximately 92.5 GeV/c2 and 123.4 GeV/c2. Those masses are close to the masses of the Z0 and Higgs. A resonance containing a relativistic proton and a neutral pion appears to be the W+, while a muon-like protonium resonance appears to be the top quark. These resonances have been produced in proton accelerators which is consistent with their containing one or more relativistic protons. It is, therefore, necessary to consider whether the W, Z, Higgs, and top are actually resonant states of relativistic protonium.
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