Makanae, Masahiko
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
September 3, 2019
Lorentz factor, Special relativity, Galilean transformation, Einstein, Japanese translated version of Einstein’s paper
In Japan, Albert Einstein is the representative figure of science among the general public. His paper “Zur elektrodynamik bewegter körper” (“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”), published in 1905, is considered a model for scientific journalism. In Section 3 of his paper, Einstein describes the development of the Lorentz factor, which leads to the special theory of relativity.
One of the most trusted Japanese translated versions of this paper has been published as a book, which is titled “Soutaisei-riron” (it means simply “relativity theory”). In the preface of this book, its translator, Dr. R. Uchiyama (1916–1990), states that Einstein’s paper [1] is a masterpiece scientific article and implies that the development process of the Lorentz factor in [1] can be understood even by laymen who have junior-high school level knowledge. However, in the culmination of the development process of the Lorentz factor, several unique perspectives are described by Einstein, which are difficult to understand logically using junior-high level knowledge. Thus, to enhance the credibility of science in Japan, the scientific community should support Dr. Uchiyama’s implication by publishing an appended document that explains how to understand Einstein’s unique perspectives logically using junior-high school level knowledge. If it is difficult to support Dr. Uchiyama’s implication, the scientific community should widely state that the implication is invalid.
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