Makanae, Masahiko
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
June 1, 2019
Einstein, Lorentz factor, premise, special theory of relativity, time dilation. Axiomatic system
Most facts in our universe are established on some premises or grounds, and natural sciences exist to unravel them. However, the importance of “premise” is occasionally overlooked or forgotten. Einstein’s famous paper, “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,” which has been appraised as a monumental achievement and derives the Lorentz factor as the core theorem of the special theory of relativity, provides a good example of the dangers of invalidating premises during oversimplification, because premises necessary for the Lorentz factor are curtailed to arrive at an important conclusion regarding the concept of time dilation. The name “Einstein” has been very popular, and science fiction writers use the concept of time dilation frequently; thus even the general public know Einstein and time dilation. Consequently, his oversimplification is useful to teach the importance of “premise” in school education worldwide, as a good example of what not to do.
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