Research Papers
Mechanics / Electrodynamics
Date Published:
February 24, 2019
Among the most important problems in physics are questions about the origin and arrow of time, the negative energy solution to Dirac’s equation, and the explanation for the preponderance of matter in the universe. This paper shows that these problems are partially linked together. The most fundamental physical presence of time in space is found in the frequencies of the quantum fluctuations of standard model quantum field theory. In particle theory, as usually expressed in Feynman diagrams, antimatter moving forward in time is equivalent to matter moving backwards in time, telling us that the questions of the arrow of time and matter/antimatter are related. And, since antimatter is a negative energy solution of the Dirac equation, negative energy correlates to a negative time arrow. Electric charge also ties in since charge changes sign between matter and antimatter and a positive and negative time arrow. The strong relationship between energy, frequency, time, matter/antimatter, and electric charge tells us that there should be a more general Dirac equation tying them all together. Even with all that information being generally well understood, we will need to determine how electrons and protons are produced to solve the preponderance of matter question.
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