Research Papers
Mechanics / Electrodynamics
Date Published:
July 3, 2018
One of the most important outstanding questions in physics is, what are the physical causes that lead to the magnitudes of each of the physical constants? This paper explores the hypothesis that the magnitude of each physical constant is determined by the van der Waals torque of the quantum field of standard model quantum field theory. The quantum field is known to produce van der Waals forces as they are necessary to explain the experimentally proven existence of the Casimir effect. There is little research, however, into the effects of the van der Waals torque that necessarily exists in a sea of dipoles that undergo van der Waals force interactions. The van der Waals torque of space resists all linear and rotating charge motion, and as such, it determines the polarizability and magnetizability of space and the related physical constants. Give that most of the physical constants are derivable from other physical constants, it is easy to show that the magnitudes of all the electromagnetic constants are a direct physical result of the van der Waals torque of space. Of particular importance, electric charge and the fine structure constant are derivable from the polarizability of space. Since the fine structure constant and, consequently, mass can be shown to be electromagnetic, there is also a brief discussion about the necessity that gravity is electromagnetic as well, possibly in a manner analogous to a theory by Wilson and Dicke.
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