Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
June 25, 2018
Pioneer anomaly, mystery solved, thermal photons, frequency, blue shift, Doppler, probe, flyby, trajectory, motion, speed, velocity, acceleration, against Einstein’s theory of Relativity, neo-Newtonian mechanics
The Pioneer anomaly is characterized by its relative blue shift measured by Doppler effect according to the theory of Relativity. Traditionally, this relative blue shift is explained by an additional acceleration of controversial origin. At the source, the travel time and the frequency of the returned wave are measured and respectively converted into “duration” speed and “Doppler” speed.
It is shown here that when these data are processed in accordance with the Doppler effect of Newtonian or neo-Newtonian mechanics, the difference between the “duration” velocity and the “Doppler” velocity disappears. Giving results comparable to those of Relativity for high-speed phenomena, this neo-Newtonian mechanics is compatible with quantum mechanics. And it gives an explanation to the apparent blue shift of the Pioneer anomaly.
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