Research Papers
Date Published:
November 30, 2017
STOE, Theory of Everything, rotation curves, CMB temperature, redshift
We are at a special moment in our scientific evolution that requires the big of cosmology and the small of light and of particle physics be united by a single model. The Scalar Theory of Everything model (STOE) suggests fundamental assumptions with consideration for the successful parts of current models and for the data inconsistent with current models. The STOE is simpler, corresponds to both General Relativity and quantum mechanics, and solves many current mysteries and inconsistencies. Data comparisons with redshift, discrete redshift, rotation curves, asymmetric rotation curves, universe temperature, and the double slit experiment are successful. Therefore, the STOE is founded on orthodox science. Data analysis in 2011 confirmed predictions of the STOE made in 2006 that no other model suggested. A new test of the double slit experiment rejected the wave model of light and confirmed predictions of the STOE. The fundamental principles are applied to life and the purpose of life in our universe.
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