Joglar Alcubilla, Javier
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
May 20, 2018
Special Relativity, Gamma Ray Bursts, Minkowski Diagrams, Harmonic Analysis, Extended Relativity, Superluminal Apparent Movement
It is intended to demonstrate that the speed limit of light c, imposed by Contemporary Physics, comes from the Observer’s inability to perform absolute measures; that is, the Observer’s relative measures in Space-Time are those making it appears that material bodies, those transmiting some type of information, can not reach or exceed this speed.
The speed of light c constant and invariant is the basis of the principles of Special Relativity Theory (SR). It is considered in these terms by the results obtained experimentally. When no material body is detected moving at speeds equal to or greater than it, it is imposed as maximum material velocity not attainable.
While the observation provides us with some characteristics for c, with them appear some paradoxes that make, at least, doubt its full correction. For example, the “tunnel effect” or the quantum particle entanglement paradoxes,represent situations that can be explained considering transmission of information at speeds higher than c. Contemporary Theories incorporate the concept of universe expansion at superluminal velocities in order to justify this “crushing” observation.
The Extended Relativity Theory (ER) aims to be an extension of the SR. It wants to show why there may be material particles and associated waves moving at speeds greater than c and, why until now they have gone unnoticed. The ER will give the keys to look for a particle with these characteristics.
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