Research Papers
Unification Theories
Date Published:
April 28, 2017
action at a distance, pull forces, push forces, weak force, strong force, aether to nuclear density ratio, gravity to nuclear force ratio
My first article in the GS Journal addressed the fundamental issue, “Why are there prominent particles in physics with different masses, the proton, the electron, the mesons, etc.?”[1] The present paper addresses some other fundamental issues in Physics: Are there really ‘actions at a distance’ and ‘pull’ forces?; Why does there exist in nature -- a very strong nuclear force, a weaker electric force, and a very weak gravitational force?; Roughly, what is aether’s pressure, density, and its mean velocity? Since this is a long paper, readers are advised to first read its final Summary, and then optionally see other sections. The below condensed paper presents only the key points and an overview of each major topic, to avoid greater length. But some helpful footnotes are provided.
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