Research Papers
Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
October 14, 2016
graviton, photon, virtual photon, relativity, blue-shift, quantum field theory, quantum chromodynamics, color-charge, magnetic-color, Dirac Sea, cosmology, absolute black hole, singularity
There are various theories in physics, but nature is unique. This is not nature's problem that we have various theories; nature obeys simple and unique law. We should improve our theories. Universal constancy of the speed of light undergoes the question whether the limit on the light speed originates from a natural event or not? According to pair production and decay, why photons move at constant speed, but we could change the speed of matter and antimatter? What is the unique characteristic of matter which is convertible to photons that move with constant speed c (speed of light)? What is the mechanism of increasing in the photon energy that causes increase in its frequency growth? So, in CPH theory (Creative particles of Higgs Theory), it has been attempted to scrutinize the interface between classical mechanics, relativity and quantum mechanics through a novel approach to the established physical events.
◙ CPH Theory is based on the generalized light velocity from energy into mass.
Emphasizing on these phenomena and presenting the relation between photon's energy and frequency, CPH Theory is to draw attention on the importance of constancy of speed in relation to the mass structure which will be scrutinized in reviewing relativistic Newton's second law.
The results of this point of view, many uncertainties and unanswered-questions in modern physics and cosmology, will be answered.
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