Research Papers
Date Published:
May 19, 2016
Soldner's prediction; gravitational deflection of starlight; hyperbolic orbits; Einstein's prediction; Newton's corpuscular model of light; gravitational lensing; Archimedes' method of exhaustion; gravitational acceleration; relative velocity of starlight
The primary objective of the following investigation is to demonstrate, beyond the reasonable doubt, that Johann Georg von Soldner's prediction of 0.876 seconds of arc, for the angle of starlight deflected by the gravitational field of the Sun, as computed within the framework of Newton's theory of universal gravitation, is, mathematically, correct and, physically, valid only in the reference frame, in which the barycenter of the solar system is at rest. And also to show, furthermore, that the relative velocity of deflected starlight, as calculated and measured in the moving reference frame of the planet earth, alters, necessarily, and changes, in a straightforward manner, the angle of gravitational deflection from its aforementioned numerical value of 0.876 arcseconds, as computed within the stationary reference of the solar system, to a new and different numerical value equal to about 1.752 arcseconds, as calculated and measured within the moving reference frame of the planet earth.
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