Research Papers
Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
April 29, 2016
Apparent superluminal neutrinos, General Relativity, neutrino’s temporal oscillations, radial path (longitudinal), transverse path, longitudinal wave
We conjecture the existence of massless neutrinos that are in the line of standard model (unable to account for the neutrino mass) but have characteristics that are not accounted for by the standard model: they use a shorter radial path than the photon and possess bosonic flavors. Considered like bosons instead of fermions. We call this theory "neutrino’s temporal oscillations". Faced with some experimental comparisons solar neutrinos, neutrinos from SN1987A, cosmological neutrinos , the theory gives better results, explanations and sense than the complicated theory of neutrino oscillations (transformism). The "OPERA" experiment which measured the speed of neutrinos in 2011 resulted, after a "superluminal" saga, in data that the three existing types of neutrinos cannot explain, with the final outcome of a fourth "sterile" neutrino with nonstandard interaction. Neutrino physics does not make sense. Neutrino's temporal oscillations show a short cut that massless neutrinos take in the three spatial dimensions of the space-time that we know. It represents within the Standard Model an open window on a "new physics" that has a connection with physical reality.
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