Research Papers
Date Published:
January 4, 2016
Precession; Mercury; Venus; perihelion; anomalous advance; ballistic speed of light; outer planets; sidereal period; transit; orbital velocity; perturbations; ingress; precession of the equinoxes; orbital period; egress; planetary orbits.
The primary objective of the current investigation is to calculate, on the basis of ballistic velocity of light in vacuum, and then to compare the computed numerical values of anomalous precession of planetary perihelia to the reported observational results. In particular, with regard to the anomalous advance of Mercury's perihelion, a value of 44.66 seconds of arc per century is obtained and deemed to be satisfactory and close and likely to be made much closer to Simon Newcomb's reported result of 43 seconds of arc per century, either by carrying out further more precise calculations, or by searching for any possibly overestimated perturbation effects by about 1.5 seconds of arc or so in the total value of planetary perturbations of about 532 seconds of arc per century for the anomalous precession of Mercury's orbit.
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