Abdullahi, Musa Daji
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
June 13, 2015
Acceleration, electric charge, field, mass, rectilinear motion, special relativity, speed.
The result of Bertozzi’s experiment with high-speed electrons moving in a linear accelerator clearly demonstrated the existence of a limiting speed equal to that of light c. For an electron of charge –e and mass m moving at time t with speed v, in an electric field of magniute E, the result of Bertozzi’s experiment can be explained as due to the electrostatic force or impressed force, –eE, giving rise to acceleration and radiation. As such the accelerating force, m(dv/dt), decreases to zero at the speed of light. The difference between the accelerating force and the electrostatic force is the radiation reacrtion force. This is in contrast to classical and relativistic electrodynamics and Bertozi’s conclusion where accelerating force is equal to the electrostatic force and independent of speed of the electron. The alternative explanation leads to the speed light as the ultimate limit with mass m remaining constant.
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