Makanae, Masahiko
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
March 17, 2015
relativity, γAB
In §2 of his 1905 paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”[1], Albert Einstein introduced the following equations: tB - tA = γAB / (c - v) and t’A - tB = γAB / (c + v). These imply that an event in a moving system viewed from within that moving system differs from the same event when viewed from a stationary system. This perspective became the basis of the Special Theory of Relativity.
However, on thoroughly examining these equations, we find that the term γAB is not appropriate as the distance contained in the following expression: time = distance/speed. In this manuscript, I expand on this issue from a mathematical point of view, employing practical examples containing numerical values.
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