Makanae, Masahiko
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
March 11, 2015
Einstein, relativity, equations, unnecessary
In §2 of the paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” [1], which is Albert Einstein’s first published work in 1905, he introduced the following equations:
tB - tA = γAB ÷ (c - v) and t’A - tB = γAB ÷ (c + v) ;
a crucial set of equations arrived at through a consideration of the nature of “time” and “light” based on the conventional physical perspectives symbolized as Newtonian mechanics. These imply that an event in a moving system viewed from within that moving system differs from the same event when viewed from a stationary system.
In his article, Einstein did not examine these equations by using practical examples and numerical values; for this reason, an examination of these relations has been performed on his behalf, as described in this work. The calculations presented in this study are based on the concept that a point which placed on the moving system changes its position at every moment; therefore, referring to it simply as point A (or B) belies vital information, and it is necessary instead to express the points of interest as “point A (or B) at a particular time.” The results of this work suggest that the terms c - v and c + v in the equations above are unnecessary.
Posted: September 12, 2019 @ 3:54:38 am
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