Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
October 15, 2014
Thermodynamics, relativity, reversibility, irreversibility, energy, entropy, mass gravitation, Einstein’s mass-energy relation
The examined process is the heating of a given mass of water from a temperature T1 to a temperature T2, by contact with a thermostat at temperature T2. In the usual interpretation, it is admitted that the energy gained by the water is the opposite of the energy lost by the thermostat, with the consequence that they neutralize each other by addition. In the extended interpretation proposed here, the energy gained by the water is not the exact opposite of the energy lost by the thermostat. The reason is that each of them is the seat of an additional energy, positive in both cases, but having a different value. The suggested idea is that this additional energy is an effect of the Einstein mass-energy relation, showing the existence of a close link between thermodynamics, relativity and gravitation.
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