Almosallami, Azzam k
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
June 10, 2014
In this paper I propose a quantization of General relativity of Einstein which leads to photon mediates gravitation. My quantization of GR depends on the modified special relativity MSRT which introduces a new interpretation to the Lorentz transformation equations
depending on quantum theory (Copenhagen school)[25-27]. My new interpretation to the Lorentz transformation leads to the Lorentz transformation is vacuum energy-dependent instead of the relative velocity in Einstein’s interpretation to the Lorentz transformation in the SRT. Furthermore, my new interpretation leads to the wave-particle duality as in quantum theory, and thus agrees with Heisenberg uncertainty principle. In my proposed quantized force, the force is given as a function of frequency [1]. Where, in this paper I defined the
relativistic momentum as a function of frequency equivalent to the relativistic kinetic energy held by a body and time, and then the quantized force is given as the first derivative of the momentum with respect to time. Subsequently I introduce in section(2), Newton's second law as it is relativistic quantized force, and in section (3) I introduce the relativistic quantized inertial force, and then the relativistic quantized gravitational force, and the quantized gravitational time dilation.
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