Research Papers
Mechanics / Electrodynamics
Date Published:
June 3, 2014
Electron, magnetic field, magnetic moment, cathodic beam, electrical current, electric field
This paper proposes an experiment intended for showing that the magnetic field of electrons is not the result of their translation, but of their magnetic moment. The magnetic moments of electrons are aligned in the metal cathode until the electrons are ejected towards the anode, and then they pass through the hole provided for this purpose to form a cathodic beam. Electric fields do not change the orientation of the magnetic moments of the electrons. If this beam is deflected up to 90 ° by an electric field, the magnetic moments of electrons are no longer parallel to their direction of translation, thus the magnetic field of the cathodic beam should disappear or at least no longer be measured by coils placed in a plane containing the beam, unlike what can be observed before deflection. ---- Ce rapport propose une expérience qui devrait permettre de montrer que le champ magnétique des électrons ne résulte pas de leur translation, mais de leur moment magnétique. Les moments magnétiques des électrons sont orientés dans la cathode métallique avant que les électrons ne soient éjectés vers l’anode, puis ne traversent l’orifice prévu à cet effet pour former un rayon cathodique. Les champs électriques ne modifient pas l’orientation des moments magnétiques des électrons.
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