Research Papers
Date Published:
May 4, 2014
Zero point energy, graviton, photon, sub quantum energy, color-charge, magnetism color, virtual photon, vacuum, singularity
I have tried to describe the summary of relativity, quantum mechanics problems, concepts that I have thought about, and solutions that I have for them. I hope this new point of view can help you to reconsider the concept of point particles in quantum mechanics.
Theories of relativity and quantum mechanics have been verified with experimental results. But both theories have problems and ambiguities. These problems cannot be considered as a weakness of the theories, but indication of scientific progress and the evolution of human knowledge.
Relativistic form of Newton’s second law shows the mass varies. And the infinite speed in classical mechanics is replaced by the infinite mass. Also according to general relativity, singularity, space and time exist with zero volume and infinite density. I never accepted zero volume and infinite mass or density.
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