Research Papers
Unification Theories
Date Published:
April 16, 2014
Symmetry, violation of symmetry, broken symmetry, symmetry for law of gravity, symmetry for general relativity, contradiction, incompatibility, law of conservation of energy, the only symmetry
In 1963, 1980 and 2008, the Nobel Prize for physics is related to symmetry principle, violation of symmetry, and broken symmetry respectively. These facts show the following viewpoint: In nature, not only symmetry principles exist, but also violations of symmetry and broken symmetries exist. While this paper presents the following viewpoint: There is no strict symmetry in nature, only approximate symmetry and partial and temporary symmetry can exixt; and for any symmetry, we can find the example of violation of symmetry or broken symmetry. For example, one case for violation of principle of general covariance is the fractal rule, because the fractal distribution is a straight line only in the double logarithmic coordinates. Theoretically, any equation in natural sciences and social sciences is corresponding to a symmetry and the related conserved quantity, and this conserved quantity can be equal to an arbitrary constant. The contradiction and incompatibility between symmetries are also discussed.
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