Research Papers
Unification Theories
Date Published:
April 8, 2014
Weak interaction, conservation of parity, nonconservation of parity, nonconservation of momentum, nonconservation of angular momentum, probability, law of conservation of energy, unique truth, expression of energy, improved Newton's second law, improved l
One of the reasons for 1957 Nobel Prize for physics is “for their penetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws which has led to important discoveries regarding the elementary particles”. While the concepts of parity laws (law of conservation of parity and law of nonconservation of parity) are questionable. For the experiment of Chien-Shiung Wu et al in 1957, the correct way of saying should be that the probability of conservation of parity is 71% and the probability of nonconservation of parity is only 29%. The essential reason for the phenomena of nonconservation (including nonconservation of parity, momentum, angular momentum and the like) is that so far only the “law of conservation of energy” can be considered as the unique truth in physics. As for other “laws”, they are correct only in the cases that they are not contradicted with law of conservation of energy or they can be derived by law of conservation of energy; otherwise their probability of correctness should be determined by law of conservation of energy or experiment (currently for the most cases the correctness can only be determined by experiment).
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