Research Papers
Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
March 13, 2014
electron, proton, mass, charge, gravity constant, permittivity, micro gravity parameter, field, black hole, magnetic flux density
Analyses, interpretation and nature of the phenomenon, processes and quantities are very important when the physical laws or theories are formulated. This is especially important when the next simple question must be answered: Why the electron is always located around a proton, when it is well known that electron and proton have the same charge amount (+e,-e)? Moreover, why as consequence of this, the barycenter of the Electron - Proton System in Hydrogen atom is not on a half distance between them?
Why the well known reduced Rydberg constant for binary circular orbit of the two bodies system, which is determined very precise with thirteen decimal places, is based on particles mass calculations and not the charge? The result for Rydberg reduced constant is always taken only as correction factor and not with its deep implication in all physics branches. So how is this possible? Why the mass and not the charge is what’s counting? Besides the fact that the electron is the fundamental unit of electricity there is no any idea what charge actually is, or how it comes about. So what is electric charge? This simple question, if correct interpretation is given, has a very unusual answer. The charge is only a virtual quantity. There isn’t any charge at all as basic entity. There is not any kind of charge inside the electron or proton’s volume or surface or on any other so told charged particles as electric current carriers.
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