Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
January 7, 2014
Special Relativity Theory, Complementary Special Relativity Theory, One Way Speed of Light, New Communication Tool with Infinite Speed
Idea about communication tool that transmits information with infinite speed follows rules of the Complementary Special Relativity Theory (CSRT). This theory is derived from Einstein's Special Relativity Theory (SRT) using of the criterion of logical independence of its postulates. In this article we show that the communication with infinite speed is possible, no matter how the idea sounds strange. Since the CSRT is really simple, the reader needn't to study articles listed in references because every essential attributes, postulates and rules can be found in this paper. On the other side, our previous articles on the CSRT show several successful and unexpected application on issues where the SRT fails [1]. For example at the case of the so-called Pioneer spacecraft acceleration [3] or in the case of Opera experiment and neutrinos time of flight [2].
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