Mareau, Dominique
Research Papers
Unification Theories
Date Published:
November 22, 2013
zéro action principle, causality, locality, non-locality, reductionism, holism, cosmological principle, proton bosons, quark-gluon, causal separation.
We often hear "time is a enigma". This suggests that further {mass-space continuum} is explained, which is not the case. Here we show that it is unnecessary to proceed by hypothesis or speculation if the powerful and robust principle of No Action (PAN) is used. In the universe prequantum state (without constant), we show that the PAN can only be expressed in the form of dual stochastic oscillator bosons 1D. The unit probability of fusion forming a common zero point is shown. We show how synchronization Huygens form a Bose-Einstein Condensate.
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