Mareau, Dominique
Research Papers
Unification Theories
Date Published:
November 14, 2013
describe, explain, causality, locality, non-locality, reductionism, holism, cosmological principle, proton bosons, quark-gluon, causal separation.
The standard model considers the proton as composed of eight massless gluons. These are spin-1 bosons, responsible for the strong interaction. They are supposed to confine the quarks in the strongly binding. They allow the existence of protons and neutrons in the universe.
Originally, the idea that they are composed of electron-positron pairs (with an additional positron to the positive charge), has been abandoned for several reasons. We demonstrate that these are bad reasons that led to the abandonment. Historically it is the reductionist view that by its nature does not take into account the non-locality, experimentally discovered later.
This historical error by lack of global vision, is the source of the crisis of physics discovered the universe object as a host of enigmas never resolved.
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