tavajoh, amir ali
Research Papers
Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
July 15, 2013
gravitons, Maxwell's theory, photons, relativity, uncertainty principle, Schrödinger's equation, current intensity of graviton's axis, spin of gravitons, interactions between gravitons of matter and photons, probability of existence of gravitons
at first we want to tell the graviton's structures (based on the CPH theory) in photons and based on the classical equations that are exist ,they have an elliptic motion around each other and also because of this we proof that they have an electrical charge except the magnetic status . Afterwards, we proceed the probability distribution of the existence of the gravitons' axis in the normal and relativistic situations for that and based on the famous formula of Einstein(E=mc^2) we can come to this conclusion that there should be a common particle between energy and matter that the graviton's axis of the photons can have some influence on the gravitons' axis of matter that as far as we know because the electrical force that they exert to each other approximately won't decrease and because of this we can say that they could move a particle that in the inter actions like (mu + nu_e --> nu_mu + e-) the Higgs fields that are between the product interacted particles, these graviton's axis of light have a lot of influence on these particles.
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