Research Papers
Unification Theories
Date Published:
August 19, 2013
The 3D Universe Theory describes the Universe as a growing sphere of layered information with only three dimensions: two space dimensions and one dimension which is both space and time. In relation to each layer, the inner layers represent the past and the outer layers represent the future. There are as many “presents” as there are layers and they all form a coherent space-time continuum. There is a fundamental basic unit of time and space; its size increases with time, but its numeric value always remains the same. Gravitation is a consequence of the continuous expansion of the fundamental basic unit of time and space. The 3D Universe Theory proposes simple formulae for empirical constants that have never been calculated before: Gravitational constant, Planck constant, Boltzmann constant, Proton-to-Electron mass ratio, Electron mass, Proton radius, Temperature of CMBR. These formulae only use the Planck Length and a simple expression: 8π - 1, no other ad-hoc constants are needed. The 3D Universe Theory shows with a simple equation that the proton's diameter is just a scaled up version of the Planck Length and that the proton’s mass is just a scaled down version of the Planck mass.
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