Nanda Ballabh Pant(BAIJNATH, India):
not only in the Bertozzi’s experiment an electron moves with the velocity of light, but surprisingly in Chandrasekhar\'s white dwarf limiting mass formula also the velocities of electrons are taken equal to the velocity of light.Einstein\' relativistic mass variation formula with velocity is also not compatible with the process of annihilation when mass particle-antiparticle transforms into photons i.e, the quanta moving with the velocity of light. If material particle cannot attain the velocity of light then in case of annihilation how can they transformed into the light quanta which move with the velocity of light? However, in the alternate electrodynamics in derivation of the relativistic mass only the electromagnetic force is taken into consideration and it is not explained what will happen of a moving (accelerated mass) particle under influence of strong gravitational field of neutron star(or black hole)? Is it connected through electro-gravity unification ?
Posted: June 02, 2013 @ 9:55:55 am