Varghese, Nainan K.
Research Papers
Date Published:
December 19, 2013
Universal medium, light, photon, corpuscles of light, speed of light
Light is flow of three-dimensional matter-corpuscles, each corpuscle accompanied by separate set of distortions in universal medium. Together, they constitute radiation of photons. For existence, it is essential for matter-core of a photon to move at the highest possible linear speed, at which universal medium can move it. This limit endows light with constancy of its linear speed. Constancy of linear speed is related to and hence depends on nature of universal medium in region of space, where light is radiated. This essay very briefly describes mechanism of light’s motion and stabilizing mechanism of its linear speed, as envisaged in alternative concept, presented in the book, ‘MATTER (Re-examined)’. For details, kindly refer to same [1].
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