Research Papers
Mechanics / Electrodynamics
Date Published:
February 3, 2025
Geometrical Optics; Speed of Light; Reflection of Light; Interference of Light; Michelson Interferometer; Michelson–Morley Experiment; Modified Michelson Interferometer.
The derivation of light paths in the Michelson interferometer is based on the hypothesis
that the incident speed and reflected speed of the wavefront of a ray of light are equal in the frame at absolute rest. In this case, the Michelson–Morley experiment predicts a fringe shift of 0.40. With the hypothesis that the incident speed and reflected speed of the wavefront of a ray of light are equal in the inertial frame of a mirror at the instance of collision, the Michelson–Morley experiment predicts a fringe shift of 0.40 × 10^-4, which is in agreement with the experimental result. © 2021 Physics Essays Publication. [], (
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