Abdullahi, Musa Daji
Research Papers
Date Published:
December 24, 2024
Aether, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Charge, Electric Field, Force, Gravitational Constant, Gravity, Mass, Newton’s Law of gravity.
Neutral bodies are composed of equal numbers of positive and negative particles, each of constant mass m. Electrostatic forces of repulsion and attraction, proportional to the charges, according to Coulomb’s law, cancel out exactly everywhere. Gravitational forces of attraction, proportional to square of the charges, remain, in a medium called aether. Newton’s law of gravity, expressed in terms of masses of composing particles, is expressed in terms of square of the charges and in terms of volume V of the aether occupied by a charge Q as spherical shell of radius a. Gravity is shown to be a pushing force of attraction between two bodies, by virtue of composing particles occupying spherical volumes of the aether, one obstructing another and pushed towards each other, in accordance with inverse square law. This explanation of gravity is more realistic than curving of space-time continuum in general relativity.
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